Iron Sharpens Iron

Join us every January to kick start our year and get our focus in the right direction. On January 19th we will take a look at our focus for the year "Who Is Jesus To You?"

Summer School 

This  discipleship class is closed. We will be back with more next summer!

Better Together

Better Together is a way of  living out Ecclesiastes 4:12, when in conjunction with the Lord, two people can significantly help each other stand against the troubles in this world. If you have walked through a difficult season and are willing to share your experience, please fill out the "I want to encourage" form to let us know. We will use the information gathered here to connect you with man walking through a similar season, as the need arises. Submissions will only be shared with the ministry team and those that may need encouragement in the specific area you have experience.

If you are currently going through a difficult time and would like to be partnered with someone who has experienced your particular struggle please fill out the "I need encouragement" form to let us know. Your submission will only be shared with the ministry team and with someone who has agreed to encourage another in the specific area you are struggling.

Better Together is not a substitute for a medical professional or a counselor.

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

At Church 8025 we believe men are to be the spiritual leaders of their homes. Because of this calling we  want to come alongside men to help equip and encourage them to be the leaders God has called them to be.