The qualifications listed for eldership focus mainly on godly character. The minimum qualifications for Church 8025 Elders shall not be less than those listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. While leadership is not a masculine attribute nor is it a gift only given to men, we do believe the office of Elder is reserved for men. In addition to the minimum qualifications given in Scripture, Church 8025 Elders must be in good standing with Church 8025 who fully subscribe to Church’s Statement of Beliefs and are actively involved in the ministry of the Church. If Church 8025 introduces a membership process all Elders will be required to be members in good standing. The Elders may at any time create, alter, amend, repeal or restate resolutions establishing additional qualifications outside of those listed in the above scriptures.

Church 8025 desires for Elders to be men who are strong and humble. This is not a position of power but one of service from which each Elder will give an account of how they led (Hebrews 13:17). The position of Elder in Church 8025 exists not to run day to day operations of the church but to provide shepherding and oversight to the church.

As shown in the list below, becoming an Elder is a responsibility to take seriously.
1 Timothy 3:1-7
Above Reproach
Husband of one wife
Able to teach
Not excessive drinker
Not a bully
Not quarrelsome
Not greedy
Good family relationships
Not a new believer
Good reputation outside the church

Titus 1:6-9
Husband of one wife
Good family relationships
No temper
Not excessive drinker
Not a bully
Not greedy
Able to teach
One must humbly aspire to this role.
1 Timothy 3:1
This saying is trustworthy: “If anyone aspires to be an overseer, he desires a noble work.”

The word “overseer” refers to an elder, one called to give oversight to the local church and care for its health and mission. It is a task that is noble and when God calls a man to it, that calling is first experienced as a strong aspiration and desire. It is not a desire for a position, but for a task; not a platform in front of people, but a ministry among a people.

One must manifest Christ-likeness in life and relationships.

1 Timothy 3:2-3
An overseer, therefore, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, self-controlled, sensible, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not an excessive drinker, not a bully but gentle, not quarrelsome, not greedy.

He is to live a life free of accusations, blameless, sexually pure, and maritally faithful, humble, controlling his passions and appetites, gentle and not marked by anger or violence, not argumentative, and content with what he has.

One must be able to teach the word.

1 Timothy 3:2-3
An overseer, therefore, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, self-controlled, sensible, respectable, hospitable, able to teach…

This does not mean that he has the gift of teaching, but that he knows the Scriptures well, can defend the Church against false teaching and can communicate Christian doctrine clearly to others.

One must model healthy relationships through his family.

I Timothy 3:4-5
He must manage his own household competently and have his children under control with all dignity. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of God’s church?)

The Church is a family of families and the elder cannot be entrusted with a family of families if he cannot love and lead his own family well. If he is married with children, he must be one who cares for his wife and children and promotes their discipleship. This does not mean that an elder cannot be single. Jesus, our Chief Shepherd was single, as was the Apostle Paul.

One must be a mature believer.

I Timothy 3:6
He must not be a new convert, or he might become conceited and incur the same condemnation as the devil.

Elders are not to be new Christians, but rather mature Christians who have a good history of walking with Jesus.


Lay Elders and Vocational Elders:
Lay Elders are defined as those Elders who are not in the employ of the Church as a regular part-time or full-time staff member. Vocational Elders are defined as those Elders who are in the employ of the Church as a regular part-time or full-time staff member.

Lay Elders shall not receive compensation or salaries for their service. Vocational Elders may receive reasonable compensation for fulfilling their vocational responsibilities as employees of the Church. A Vocational Elder shall neither vote on nor determine his own personal salary or benefits or designate his personal housing allowance.

The elder board shall consist of the Lead Pastor and any Pastor on staff (Vocational Elder) as recommended by the Lead Pastor as well as any Lay Elder approved by the current Elder board.

Lay Elders will hold a minimum of a plus one majority over Vocational Elders.

The duties of the Elders shall include, but not be limited to, leading the Church to fulfill the mission of the Church.

Elders are entrusted with the governance of the Church, leading the Church from a centralized vantage point. The Elder board’s oversight includes, but is not limited to, teaching, protecting, leading, disciplining, equipping and caring for the corporate Church body and its individual Members as well as the oversight of all ministry, operations and finances of the Church. The Elders are also responsible for being obedient to the Scriptures in the doctrine of the Church, establishing the overall vision of the Church and appointing new Elders.

The Lead Pastor shall supervise all employees of the Church with accountability to the Elder Board. The Lead Pastor will maintain a board separate from the Elder board to serve as his overseers. The Church 8025 Elder board can at any time communicate with the Lead Pastor Overseer Board to report any information they deem necessary. The Lead Pastor Overseer Board, working in close relationship with the Church 8025 Elder Board, will be responsible for the termination of and replacement of the Lead Pastor.
The Elders of the Church shall vote on the matters of (a) appointment of any Elder, (b) doctrinal issues, (c) removal of any Elder, and (d) other actions deemed major and extraordinary by the Elders. Elder votes on any matter may be communicated to the Church at the sole discretion of the Elders.

The Elders shall assist the Lead Pastor in making the final determination in regard to any ecclesiastical questions. The Elders shall be the express and final arbiter of ecclesiastical polity, religious doctrine, and questions of Church property, and shall make the final decision with respect to any other matter that shall arise concerning the Church, its internal workings, and its governance in every respect. The Elders shall use the standards of: (a) the best spiritual, financial, and operating interests of the Church in light of the Bible and the tenets of faith of the Church; and (b) the furtherance of the religious purposes of the Church as discerned by the Elders according to the teachings of the Bible.


The Elders shall have the sole authority to appoint new Elders. A man shall be appointed as a Elder by a passing vote of the Elder body (as defined below) after he has been tested and proven to meet the qualifications stated in above. The Elders may appoint a committee or group to vet Elder candidates and report its findings to the Elder body. The Elders may also receive recommendations for Elder candidates from people in good standing within Church 8025.

The proposed appointment of any Elder shall be communicated to the Church at least fourteen (14) days in advance and the church will have opportunity to submit questions, comments and concerns, which will be considered by the Elders on a case-by-case basis. Confirmation and appointment of a new Elder shall be at the sole and final discretion of the existing Elders and effectuated upon their passing vote.

Once a man is appointed to the Elder body as a Lay Elder, he is expected to serve in this capacity for a minimum of four years, but no more than seven years per turn. Elders may be re-appointed after a one-year absence from the Elder body. Elders will be evaluated on a yearly basis and may be asked to step down by the Lead Pastor with the approval of the rest of the Elder Board.

If the Elder body determines that a Elder needs an extended Sabbath because of a legitimate need (e.g., illness or tragedy), then such Elder may transition to being an active but nonvoting Elder for a set period of time determined by the Elder body.

To resign from the Elder body, a Elder shall notify, in writing, the Lead Pastor. The Lead Pastor shall determine the most fruitful and edifying way to notify the remaining Elders and the Church. A vacancy in the Elder body because of death, resignation, removal or any other cause shall be filled only in the manners prescribed. Such vacancies may be filled as they occur.

Elder Meetings
Regular meetings of the Elders shall be held in a location that the Elders deem from time to time but no less than twice per year.
Any meeting may be held by conference telephone or similar communication equipment, as long as all of the Elders participating in the meeting can hear one another. All Elders participating electronically shall be deemed present at such meetings.

Definition of Quorum and Passing Vote
A proper quorum is defined as seventy-five percent (75%) of the Lay Elders and seventy-five percent (75%) of the Vocational Elders. A quorum is required for voting matters.
A passing vote must be equal to or greater than seventy-five percent (75%) of the Elders present, with the exception of voting to receive new Elders, which will require a vote equal to one hundred percent (100%) of Lay Elders and one hundred percent (100%) of Vocational Elders. Voting by proxy is prohibited.

Spiritual Life:

Personal Life:

Family Life:

Social Life:


Elder Responsibilities:

Please include comments below to explain and support your nominations.

Questions or comments: